Prison and Jail Mental Health Services
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Mental Health Services
The challenges jails, prisons, and juvenile confinement facilities face in providing mental health services have never been greater. Untreated mental health conditions, substance use disorders, and co-occurring disorders have increased the acuity of incoming arrestees, which increases the risk of critical incidents and adverse outcomes.
Correctional health care systems that are proactive in the identification of patient needs, and their delivery of mental health services, tend to provide effective, efficient, and timely care. These critical elements improve safety, security, and mitigation of risk and liability. NCCHC Resources, Inc. works with your facility to address needs and provide solutions to your challenges.
Mental Health Services Assessment
Using the NCCHC Standards as a benchmark, NCCHC Resources will conduct a full assessment of your mental health services. Our consultants will schedule on-site visits and remote meetings to provide a comprehensive review. We work collaboratively to ensure your objectives are fully met. We will provide recommendations and insights to ensure compliance with applicable standards, national best practices, training, and policy development to improve delivery of mental health services.
Performance and Analytics Support
Using our health systems assessment framework, we recommend ongoing consultation through NCCHC Resources’ PASS program. NCCHC Resources can assist in identifying and assessing areas of your operation where gaps in services may exist. By identifying your needs and providing recommendations to address gaps, we support your staff with training, decrease the risk of adverse events, improve the care you provide to patients, and ultimately make your facility safer for staff and patients alike. Learn more.
Suicide Prevention Assessment
Programs for suicide prevention in correctional facilities are a necessary component of day-to-day operations to ensure safety for both residents and staff. NCCHC Resources will assist you in assessing your current suicide prevention efforts or the development of a comprehensive suicide prevention program. Our assessments are tailored to your individual facility’s operations, incorporating all facets of health services, mental health services, custody, training, and policy development, with consideration of the facility’s physical plant design as part of the process. Learn more.
For more information, request a meeting or contact us by phone or email.