Correctional Health Care Consulting - NCCHC Resources

Correctional Health Care Consulting - NCCHC Resources

Correctional health care consulting from the most trusted name in the field

Elevating the quality of correctional health care with flexible and future-focused consulting partnerships

Correctional Health Care Consulting By Correctional Health Care Experts

At NCCHC Resources, we help jails, prisons, and juvenile confinement facilities increase health care quality and reduce liability exposure with correctional health care consulting services developed by professionals who “wrote the book” on industry standards and accreditation programs. When it comes to correctional health care, there’s no situation we haven’t seen or problem we haven’t solved. So whether you’re a corrections administrator, health system director, state or county official — or anything in between — we’re by your side.

NCCHC Resources will be closed February 17.

Consulting Services

  • Correctional Health System Assessments & Performance Improvement

Assessing, identifying, and developing solutions for areas for improvement. More>>

  • Prison & Jail Suicide Prevention Programs

Comprehensive suicide prevention programs that incorporate all facets of health care, custody, and facility design. More>>

  • Opioid Crisis Support

Support, assessments, and training in opioid treatment and medication-assisted treatment programs.   More>>

  • Active Health Services Contract Management & Monitoring

Liaisons between your care providers and correctional leaders to help navigate contractual relationships and correctional health care services. More>>

  • In-Custody Death Investigations

Subject matter expertise for investigations for in-custody deaths, to help determine causes, identify systems and errors, and recommend actions. More>>

  • RFP/RFQ Development & Support

Supporting agencies and correctional facilities in creating RFPs/RFQs for prospective health care vendors. More>>

  • Training and Education NCCHC Accreditation Preparation

Reviewing current policies, procedures, and practices to determine if your health program is compliant with NCCHC’s Standards for Health Services. More>>

  • Correctional Health Care Certification Preparation

Through individual assessments, we determine whether staff members are on track for NCCHC professional certification programs and make recommendations for additional training and preparation, when necessary. More>>

  • Crisis Intervention Training (CIT)

Training to recognize and de-escalate mental health and psychiatric symptoms to avoid crisis events. More>> 

  • Health Care Space Design

Assessing, housing, clinic, equipment, staff workstations, and patient flow to improve care. More>>

Latest Correctional Health Care News from NCCHC Resources